Dataset: Labeled UCF Emotion Recognition

How to reference LUCFER?

We would like to kindly ask that our paper is cited as follows when using LUCFER:

Balouchian, Pooyan, Marjaneh Safaei, and Hassan Foroosh. “LUCFER: A Large-Scale Context-Sensitive Image Dataset for Deep Learning of Visual Emotions.” IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV). IEEE, 2019.

For Latex Use:

@inproceedings{balouchian2019lucfer, title={LUCFER: A Large-Scale Context-Sensitive Image Dataset for Deep Learning of Visual Emotions}, author={Balouchian, Pooyan and Safaei, Marjaneh and Foroosh, Hassan}, booktitle={2019 IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV)}, pages={1645–1654}, year={2019}, organization={IEEE} }

How to request the dataset?