Dataset: UCF STAR (STill-image Action Recognition)

How to reference UCF-STAR?

We would like to kindly ask that our paper is cited as follows when using UCF-STAR:

Marjaneh Safaei, Pooyan Balouchian, and Hassan Foroosh, UCF-STAR: A Large-Scale Still Image Dataset for Understanding Human Actions, 34th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2020.

For Latex Use:

@inproceedings{inproceedings, title = {UCF-STAR: A Large-Scale Still Image Dataset for Understanding Human Actions}, author = {Safaei, Marjaneh and Balouchian, Pooyan and Foroosh, Hassan}, booktitle={Proceedings of the 34th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence}, year = {2020} }

How to request the dataset?